This one is from Dallas. We went to a pizza place and found that the next table over was occupied by a couple of desi families dining together. Their kids were throwing tantrums, running around and, in general, being a bad example to ours! The photograph captures how the area around their table looked when they left -- the restaurant had to assign three people to do the cleanup.

I saw the next one on the fridge of a friend of ours who is himself an immigrant from a Muslim country. The photograph seems to have been taken in Europe and is of a Muslim man who is taking a picture of his women who are all in black, head-to-toe burqa. The hand-written caption under the photograph read: "The world's best photograph".

When we went to Dallas, we shopped at Indian grocery stores and restaurants. One of them must have sold our address because we soon got a very glossy advertisement brochure from a Dallas-based jewelry store. The interesting thing was that the brochure was so targeted -- the models wearing the jewels were all Indian models. The prices and sales pitches, though, were definitely American.

S2 (our four-year-old) plays with dolls, most of which are thin, white and blonde. I hadn't yet gotten to worrying about this, but it appears that I don't need to worry too much. I noticed today that she'd "marked up" one of her princess dolls:

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