Gaining full ownership by voiding the warranty

I successfully soft-rooted the Nook (why soft-root the Nook?) on Saturday and changed the key mappings to be more ergonomic.  Also, changed the library application to one that lists free, bought and borrowed e-books all in one place.  An Android application that lets me directly download ebooks off the WiFi is also on the device now. 

With these changes, the device behaves as it should. 

My feelings about doing this are a bit ambiguous.  On the one hand, I'm a bit miffed. There's no real reason why the Nook couldn't come with these features built-in -- none of my requirements were all that esoteric.  I daresay that most Nook users would want these capabilities.  On the other hand, having now soft-rooted the Nook, I understand how the device is laid out.  Android's just Linux, and the software applications plain Java developed using the Android SDK on Eclipse. If I do come up with an esoteric requirement, I can program it in.

Ironically, it's only when I've voided the warranty that I feel full ownership!


  1. Please post the details of how you softrooted it. I also want to download ebooks through wi-fi from the web-server running in my computer.

  2. Instructions for soft-rooting are here:

    Make sure to read the instructions through completely before starting.

    Note that you can only download non-DRM books over WiFi. If the books are protected, then you have to use Adobe Digital Editions and the USB wire.
