Soon after that, the author of the line got married. Then, the second guy at that table also found his soul-mate. For those of you at home keeping count, that still leaves one. The still-available bachelor recently returned from a stint on the East Coast and we were teasing him about how he'd failed to take advantage of the male-female ratio. He protested that there didn't seem to be any surplus of single women in DC, no more so than in Norman.

1. That map is woefully innumerate. It should use larger circles for higher ratios, not higher differences: a 2,000 difference may mean nothing in a population of ten million and but be significant in a town of 40,000.
2. Look at the huge red circle around the nation's capital. If he didn't notice any significant difference in the number of available women ... no wonder he is still a bachelor!
3. Maybe he could move to Tulsa
For the geographically challenged: Tulsa's the red circle in Oklahoma. Oklahoma is the state due north of Dallas, Texas.
Three comments:
ReplyDelete1. I don't remember using the word "sorry" in reference to our collective bachelorhood. Probably something more like "pathetic". In retrospect, it's good to know that part of the problem was the unfavorable male-female ratio.
2. I know another single male from Norman who just met his "dream woman" through an online dating service. She lives in Shreveport - marked on the chart with a red circle.
3. The chart includes "singles ages 20-64". I'm pretty sure that Bachelor #3 isn't looking for a woman 15-20 yrs older than him, and I'm even more certain that the 20-something year-old ladies aren't looking for him. :-)