Medieval Fair: a spectrum of reactions

The Medieval Fair ("largest weekend event in Oklahoma") started today. The whole family went. And as is usual in Norman, we ran into a bunch of people we know.

First up was the dad with seven year old in tow. "Unavoidable," he said to me eyes rolling upward.

The next person we ran into was a journalist from Slovenia who we'd met at a party a few months ago. He seemed to find it all very curious.

Later, we'd gotten funnel cake and a turkey leg and had settled down to eat. Another friend (a bachelor in his 40s, but not one of those chronicled earlier) saw us. "Ah, you're having dinner here too," he enthused, "last year, I was here for dinner all three days. I think I'll do the same thing this year too."

As we were leaving, we spied a couple we know clutching musical scores and easels and obviously in a hurry. "Got to run," she shouted, "we have a rehearsal starting in 2 minutes. Come back tomorrow at 1 o'clock. We're going to be singing."

We didn't see anyone we know actually wearing medieval outfits, although S1 was walking around with a pirate patch. So, maybe if you count him too, the folks we met today cover the complete spectrum of reactions to the fair -- from reluctant to curious to enthusiastic, to participating to really-into-it.

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